A Line-up of Three Bright Planets

~1 min

The pretty bright planet party of Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn continues this week! Here are some tips for observing the trio in the evening sky.

Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn dance in the western sky after sunset this week. To see the planets, you’ll need an unobstructed view of the horizon to the southwest. Once the sun has set and the sky begins to darken after about 5 pm local time, look for medium-bright Jupiter sitting about a palm’s width above the southwestern horizon. Jupiter will be setting shortly before 6 pm local time this week.

Much brighter Venus will be situated to Jupiter’s upper left this week. Last week Venus and Jupiter passed one another. This week, they will draw farther apart – doubling their separation from 7 degrees to 14 degrees. As Venus flees Jupiter, it will be closing in on Saturn. The yellow-tinted ringed planet is much less bright than Venus and Jupiter, but is still a reasonably good option for viewing.

Catch the line-up of Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in the evening sky of early December. In the stargazing app Star Walk 2 you will find all the information for observing planets, stars and other celestial bodies in the sky above your area.

Happy hunting!

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