Young Moon & Jupiter

~1 min

After sunset on October 12, 2018 – look for the young Moon and king planet Jupiter in the western twilight sky. Especially from the Northern Hemisphere – where the autumn ecliptic now slants low in the evening sky.

Binoculars and an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunset may come in handy for catching Moon and Jupiter after sunset (especially at northerly latitudes).

In the northern tropics and the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll have an easier time of spotting the Moon (and Jupiter), because these two worlds stay out longer after sunset than at northerly latitudes.

In fact, from southerly latitudes, you have a much better chance of spotting Venus, the sky’s brightest planet, beneath the Moon and Jupiter this week. Venus is now heading into the sun’s glare. It’ll pass between us and the sun on October 26, 2018. Between now and then, telescopic viewers can see Venus as a waning crescent.

The Moon and Jupiter should be easy to spot on October 12, assuming your sky is clear. Venus will be tougher – lower in the sky – more deeply buried in the sun’s glare. If you want to see Venus, especially if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, find an unobstructed sunset horizon and bring along your binoculars.
